We've been approved as "recruits" with our sending company. This means that we are a go to head overseas. Where exactly? That will be determined this fall, after our short trip. When do we start working in the field? Late next year (2011), God willing.
We are now seeking partners in prayer and finances so that we can head over for a short (2 week or so) trip to Italy and meet the other wonderful teammates already there. Then we will find out exactly where God is planting our family for the next decade (or longer).
We could sure use you on our team!!
In the book of 1Samuel, 30:9-25, there is an interesting story, that I will paraphrase for you:
David and his army went down to fight the Amalekites. On his way to fight them, 200 men in his army became too tired to go on. Leaving them at a base camp, the rest of the army went down, defeated the Amalekites, and plundered them. On their way back into base-camp with the loot, some of the "evil" (quoted) men and "troublemakers" said that they would not share the plunder with the 200 who did not go to the front lines. David replied, "The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to battle".
This is our partnership with you! Our family has been asked to physically go into the field, while you (perhaps) have been asked to stay back at base-camp, supporting us through prayer and finances. We will all share the eternal rewards equally!
Although our family will physically see the front-lines, we feel that your "jobs" are much more important: protecting our backs, supporting us spiritually, and sacrificing your finances all for God's work in Italy.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the prayers you have already given for us, on God's behalf, and are now ready to join you in financial support as well.
Please call us at 270-454-9666 or email mradams333@yahoo.com (or missionamore@gmail.com) to let us know how you would like to partner with us this next year. We will be sending out letters, as well as placing phone calls, so you may hear from us soon.
We have been blessed with our first fundraising of $826 (which will pay for 1 1/2 plane tickets), at a Middle School Camp in Washington, IN. We have another camp planned for elementary school kids in late June. We are praying that we reach the goal of gathering enough funds for the rest of the plane tickets then.
Please prayerfully consider how you might partner with us in this wonderful adventure. Let us know your prayer requests, as well, because this is a two way road!! We love praying for you!
God bless you!!