We leave for LAUNCH with Team Expansion at the end of the week.
We will spend our first day visiting with a church that partners with Team Expansion for the Italian missionaries. The first night we will spend in a hotel, letting the kids have a fun evening of swimming and "vacation".
Then we start, full throttle with Team Expansion's training on Monday...
We hope that by the end of the two weeks: we are accepted, we will find out a time-line, and a plan for our family for the next couple of years...
We could sure use your prayers over the next couple of weeks.
If you are "into" facebook, you can look up "Mission Amore Team" and request to join that group. It will be updated as often as I can over the next couple of weeks to keep people informed of prayer requests and such.
I will update this blog when we return, mid-May.
Prayer Requests for the next couple of weeks:
Safety in traveling, including car behaving
No sickness during this time
Hospitality to our host family (who are generously allowing us to stay with them next week)
Partnering with Team Expansion
Open doors to Italy
Perfect will (God's)
Kids having fun
That our old brains can handle the "schooling" and information
Perfect peace
Safety and health of our animals at home...and for their caretakers
Just keep safe on all travels everywhere. Your whole family is important to us.