Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Where we are...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Why Italy?
Why not Iraq, Iran, China, Africa, or hundreds of other countries??
Friday, September 10, 2010
Nothing Insightful Here, move along...

This blog is purely just a blog about personal feelings, fears, questions. You can read on to get a view inside my head at this exact moment in time, or just move on to some of the other, better written blogs. As always, thanks for checking in and keeping our family in your prayers.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Matthew 15 De-Mystified
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Take up your mat
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
June/July Recap...
Here is a short recap of the first half of our summer:
Friday, July 2, 2010
Covered in sin?

Thursday, June 24, 2010
And the first shall be last...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We're on our way...

You can print and mail the above card to: Adams Family Donations;

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
We keep on waiting (waiting) on the world to change...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Another Sports Analogy
By: Tom Adams
Even though we all like to think we’re complex beings, I guess I’m a pretty simple guy. Because last night God spoke to me about something I really thought I already understood, but he dumbed it down even more for me!
This is where my family is right now. We are grateful to have been called by God (what an overwhelming sentence to type!). We have strong conviction that we should serve the people of Italy (although we have no idea where in Italy). We have met with (and love!) Team Expansion, and if we are accepted as Recruits, our next step is to take a visit to Italy to meet the teams there and see if we are a fit in the work, the place and to just meet the people personally that we have been “cyber-stalking” for all of these months. I feel I am a part of this work and that I know these workers simply because I have spent so much time reading their “baseball cards” and praying for them and the work, but honestly, we don’t know each other very well. Also, God has placed a love for the Italian people in our hearts, but we have never visited their country or met them personally either! So when the process of support raising begins, we will be asking for your partnership to go and “scout” out the major leagues. I can’t wait to meet the awesome people God is using to do his work there, and to travel to the place I have fallen in love with without ever visiting (weird!?!).
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Great Expectations...

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
April Showers...

are supposed to bring May flowers. At least, that's how the saying goes.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
He gives and takes away...

How many times have I sang that? This month, the true meeting set in.
This month God has taken away a lot of what he so graciously gave us 20 years ago. Three weeks ago, He took back our 23 year old dog, Rascal. This past week, He took back our 20 year old dog, Crickett. Today he took back our 10 year old parakeet, Baby Bird.
These were wonderful family members that He gave us to cherish, love, and look after. We enjoyed a full 19+ years with both of our dogs. Before we were married, before we had our children, we had our two dogs. We taught them much, and they loved us more. We did our best to look after them and treat them like kings/queens. We hope that God was happy with the life they had here, and we hope that they are waiting at the pearly gates for us to "come home".
10 years ago, God gave us a horse farm to start building our dreams on. We taught many students, and they became our extended family (we even had the privilege of watching one family give their lives to Christ). We birthed three foals on these grounds, and buried many of our pets. We've laughed, we've cried, we've almost given up, we've started anew...and now we prepare to give it all back to God.
It's so nice to receive, but sometimes it's so hard to give it all back. But, as soon as God takes away, He gives us back so much more.
Today, after such a hard month of losses, we received word that our sender has approved us for our next phase in our journey. The committee has approved our application, and we now move to LAUNCH training! This is such a relief and a joy...mingled with our sadness.
We are now ready for the sale of "our gifts", and giving up of all of our possessions. We are taking only some clothing, our chihuahua (Chiquita), and our cat (Holly) with us when we leave. Everything else will be re-housed or sold (with the exception of a couple of family heirlooms-which will go into a storage facility).
My heart will choose to say "Blessed be Your Name"!
Prayer Requests:
Brooke to finish her schooling (on track for Spring 11)
Tom to finish his schooling (same)
Clara as she transitions from public to homeschooling this fall
Strength and wisdom in preparing our house for the market
Quick sale and good price on our farm
Good/loving neighbors in Italy
Housing in Italy
Finding good/faithful partners in our journey both in finances and spiritual
Getting through the grief over loss of our beloved pets
Starting the next phase with our sender
A great FIRST mission's presentation
Tom's Kairos training
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
"The Mighty Angel and the little Scroll"
Maybe it's because I'm short, so my mind wants to find similarity?? I have not idea, but as soon as I start to read the chapter, it goes into detail over the look of the mighty angel. He gave a shout "like the roar of a lion". But he held out a little scroll.
The little scroll told a BIG STORY. It told of two witnesses, who would come and prophesy for 1,260 days and eventually be raised from the dead in 3 1/2 days.
Big things come in small packages!!
This week has been full of little messages from God.
Our "LAUNCH", originally scheduled for March, was pushed back to May.
At first we were sad, because we really want to "get started" and find out what the next couple of years look like. But then we understood the postponement was a gift from God.
Our water heater went out, and the cost for repairs was almost (to the penny) the exact amount of what we had saved back for the sitter (who will stay here for the two weeks we'll be gone for launch).
God had our backs again :) Actually He continues to hold us in His hands, which is better than guarding our backs! When those attacks come, I'm not sure we can handle them, even face to face. But God knows, and He holds us. He strengthens us. He protects us, while allowing us to grow.
So, in the meantime, while we are waiting for our LAUNCH, we continue to grow even when we feel so very little.
Prayer Requests:
Pray for partners in our mission (on the home front and abroad)
Pray for our future homestead in Italy (perfect neighbors, perfect apartment, perfect will)
Pray for our children as they prepare for a new lifestyle
Pray for the quick and perfect sale of our home/animals
Pray for the moving of other animals
Pray for continued finances
Pray for Spiritual Protection overall
Saturday, January 9, 2010
That's what friends are for...
This is what we, as Christians, try to live up to every day. We don't always succeed, but we know that there is always a new start tomorrow.
We've taken our psych evaluations, and prohibiting something awful, we will be go to a "LAUNCH" process which will be a schooling/planning of sorts and start our launching process into missions.
Until then, we wait. We will also be getting the farm ready to put on the market. After it sells (hopefully quickly), we will get an apartment in town...closer to everything, while allowing the kiddos to continue in their schools, and allowing us the freedom to travel (no horses/farm/obligations).
While we wait, we continue to grow spiritually and keep being the friends we are supposed to be...smiling, shining, and accountable.
We continue to meet many new foreign friends almost on a weekly basis now. God is just putting them in our path...almost like a gathering. We have also had several people come to us, unsolicited (except by God) to let us know that they want to be contacted when we start raising support...yeah!
Think the end is drawing near? Open your eyes and see for yourself. God is working overtime to open eyes...and satan is working just as hard to blind them.
We love you, and appreciate all of your prayers. Starting this month, I will have specific prayer needs posted below my entries.
Thanks for reading, and we'll update as soon we hear anything new...or the Lord prompts.
Prayer Requests, specific to our family:
+Positive outcome from psych evals
+Protection over our family
+Home placement for horses (specifically Theo, Arab, Larry, and Mr.P)
+Sale of house (to sell quickly and for what we ask, and to horse people that will love our facilities)
+Dealing with the loss of our pets (some to death, some to new homes)
+Kids schooling - Brooke's early graduation
+Pray that we find the perfect team to partner with, and for our neighborhood in Italy (good neighbors, friends for us/the kids)